Taifa Gas Tanzania Limited has been hailed by the Tanzania Police Force in Kigamboni for its efforts in installing modern sanitation facilities for the Kigamboni Police Station.

Speaking at a function where he officially received 6 modern toilets constructed by Taifa Gas, Kigamboni district Commissioner Ms. Fatma Nyangasa, thanked Taifa Gas management for the company’s support towards the Kigamboni police projects adding that Taifa Gas has always responded positively when called upon to support projects.

“We have always known that we have good neighbors in the name of Taifa Gas, because they always respond to our calls every time we ask for support” Said Ms Nyangasa, in a speech delivered on her behalf by the Kigamboni DAC James Mkumbo.


The old facilities that were in use 
The new facilities constructed by Taifa Gas

The six toilets delivered by Taifa Gas were constructed at cost of TZS. 31 Million. The toilets – three for males officers and three for female officers have been built complete with mirrors and a changing room for the female officers. The toilets will also have flowing water tank of 5000 litres to ensure water at all times.

“The construction of the toilets is in line with our company’s corporate social responsibility where we support communities in areas where we operate” said Mr. Amos Jackson, Taifa Gas Manager in Charge of operations who represented Taifa Gas Managing Director Hamisi Ramadhan at the function.

Jackson said Taifa Gas had invested in ensuring that the company operates harmoniously with communities in all its areas of operation.

“We shall continue to work together with community members to stir progress and change lives of the people we live and work with” Added Jackson as he thanked the Kigamboni police for the cordial relationship that has existed between Taifa Gas and the police, as well as reminding them that they host the country’s largest LPG depot.


Kigamboni DAC James Mkumbo cuts the ribborn to signal official opening of the new toilet facilities. Looking on is Mr. Amos Jackson Taifa Gas Manager of Operations,  Temeke Regional Police Commander Richard Ngore, and superintendent of Police Tobias Warero.

Members of the police force in Kigamboni as well as the public turned out in large numbers to witness the official hand over of the toilet facilities by Taifa Gas to the police force after three months of construction.

Other officers who were notably present during the function and who also hailed Taifa Gas gesture included the Temeke Regional Police Commander Richard Ngore, and superintendent of Police Tobias Warero.

At least 100 police officers are stationed at Kigamboni police station, which also serves hundreds of people every day. Taifa Gas construction of the modern toilets will go a long way in ensuring in serving the not only the force, but also the community around.


A section of members of the police force and the Public who turned up to witness the official Handover of the facilities in Kigamboni.